Thursday, April 29, 2010

So, big breath, let's begin.

I reached my highest weight at age 21. I was 250 pounds. I look back at pictures of myself now and am horrified I ever let myself get that big. It took me 2-3 years to get down to 200 pounds. I tried everything under the sun : Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, diet pills, bicycling, detox, low-calorie diets, crash diets, etc. At one point, while cycling daily on a vegan diet, I was 175 pounds but that came back quickly after my diet changed and my photography forced me to carry more and more gear. In October,  as I began to near the end of my college career, I realized I needed to make a change. I was 200 pounds again. I did a trade with a nutritional adviser, started working a personal trainer and going to the gym 6x a week. It was easier in January granted since school wasn't in session and I had more time to focus on myself. I dropped an easy ten pounds that first month but as I started to boost my strength training I realized my 1300 calorie diet was simply too low to sustain. When school started I raised it to 1500 calories and kept at it, doing cardio 3-5x a week and strength training 2-3x a week. I kept losing weight, slowly but steadily.

Currently I'm at 170 pounds. But this is the smallest weight loss I've had since I started and I know why. I haven't been holding myself as accountable as I was. My workouts definitely are less intensive and lately have consisted of mostly cardio and little to no strength training. I still work out 4-5x a week but because of my habits and letting stress take over, my progression has slowed. So, this is my deliberate attempt to refocus and get back on track.


Goal for today : 60minutes of Cardio (DONE! plus 20min strength)
Goal for tomorrow : 30minutes of Strength/30minutes of Cardio

New measurements to come on Saturday! Wish me luck!


  1. You're always amazing but I'm glad you're making this healthy choice for yourself. You are a warrior!
