Monday, May 3, 2010

Damn you, Skinny Cow.

You want to know what my weakness is? That no matter what, if it’s in the fridge, I’ll eat it? Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream - no doubt. Especially when my body is craving sweets. Being a woman sucks sometimes and being a woman, cramping and bloated and miserable, while trying to lose weight sucks even more. Trust me when I say that I wish I could give up my vagina right about now. But hey, I just gave away my LAST ice cream sandwich in the vain attempt of keeping myself out of the fridge! I know my weaknesses and currently, in my state of cramping irritation, I cannot afford to have temptation around. I ate about 200 calories over my 1600 calorie limit today and found, a minute ago, that I was yearning for more ice cream. So instead of running downstairs and giving in I decided to blog about it instead. 

A contemplation that I’ve had over the past few days is that a part of me wants to start running again. I’m working back up to high resistance intervals on the free motion machine at work but I admit, running had me hooked for months. There was a time when I would run in Golden Gate Park and the Presidio and I truly enjoyed it. The rush you get when running outside, especially, compares to nothing else. Not to mention a runner’s body is remarkable, strong but lithe with lean muscle. I do admire that body type and have always desired a tall wiry physique, which considering my stature will probably never happen but one can hope! I’m going to start C25K tomorrow, in addition to 40 minutes of the elliptical. I’m ready to make the leap. Every time I train with someone new they always comment on how strong I actually am and it always kind of surprises me. I feel like I have this inner insecurity about my own personal strength and capabilities when it comes to athletics. It’s time for a challenge to push myself out of my comfort zone. And speaking of which I HATE HATE HATE pushups – so here’s another challenge 100PUSHUPS. Starting tomorrow I am going to do both of them 3x a week. Along with my normal cardio and strength training work.

In terms of cardio I have pushed myself the last two days. After doing an hour of strength/drill work with trainers both days I used the free motion machine (similar to an elliptical) for 45 minutes. Yesterday I warmed up for 5 at a low resistance, doing 3 minutes of low resistance (steadily increasing by 1 each 5 minutes) and then another 2 minutes of high resistance (steadily increasing by 2 each 5 minutes). And today I pushed that further, doing the same warm up routine and then doing 3 minutes of hard resistance and 2 minutes of low resistance. From 2 all the way to 20, the highest/hardest resistance the machine goes to. Which is part of the reason I want to start running. It’s starting to feel a bit easy and I don’t want to hit a plateau.

Anyway, this helped. The craving is gone! YAY! 

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