Sunday, May 16, 2010

Things I Enjoy Sunday!

Sea’s Gift Seaweed Snack – so I just discovered these yesterday and cannot say enough about them. Beyond being a healthier alternative and a low-calorie snack (all of 50 calories per package!) these guys are delicious. I picked them up at Rainbow, craving chips and salt and these hit the spot! I lovelovelove seaweed so I’m sure that’s part of their appeal.

Working at a gym. Frankly, it’s maddening at times but I feel like the atmosphere truly keeps me pumped and inspired and motivated. Getting suggestions and hearing positive reinforcements all help drive me forward. And to those who have spoken to me in person about this blog please feel free to comment here as well! I love getting responses. Also, drill work! I started a few weeks back training with a friend and have become smitten. I love full body workouts because I feel an immediate response so intermingling drills with strength training has become my favorite go-to. Yes, I feel like I’m going to die when I jump rope and do ladder drills and yes, of course burpies! Not to mention the fact that running stairs kind of makes me want to kill someone. But in the end my legs hurt, my abs ache and my heart pounds.

Setting goals! So far this week (all one day of it, haha) has been good. Met my calorie budget for the day by 50 calories and did an hour of cardio. Tomorrow I’m going to attempt 30 minutes of strength training with drill intervals and an hour of cardio. I went grocery shopping and am feeling more secure with my budget restrictions. Seriously it’s all in what I have at hand that sets the pace for my day. Mondays are always the hardest due to my 330 wake up time but after this week, no more! My schedule is changing thankfully!

Weekly Goals!
Monday: 30min strength/30-60min cardio
Tuesday: 60min strength/30-60min cardio
Wednesday: 30min strength/60min cardio
Thursday:  Rest Day!
Friday: 30min strength/60min cardio
Saturday: 30min strength/60min cardio 


  1. That is an amazing full body workout. Great Job! You're sure to make your August goal.
