Sunday, May 30, 2010

Things I Enjoy Sunday

Being blonde! I went to the hair salon on an impromptu decision on Tuesday and made the leap – well, not entirely impromptu. I had been contemplating it for about a week to go platinum and had made an appointment with my hair dresser in San Mateo for the 7th. But frankly, I was a bit nervous about trying to make the jump from brown to white all in one day and decided to take matters into my own hands so that I didn’t fry my scalp. The girl did an amazing job and my hair looks pretty damn good considering it’s stubborn and there are sections that refused to go blonde immediately. But it’s a process. I fully plan on deep conditioning numerous times before next Monday’s appointment. It feels better already so I’m hoping by taking care of it, air-drying or blow-drying on cold air, two weeks will allow it to properly heal and return somewhat to its former shape. I made my own deep conditioning mixture of coconut oil, honey and avocado and while that worked surprisingly well I decided to splurge and picked up Redken Real Control Intense Renewal Super Moisturizing Mask as well as Shimmer Lights Shampoo and Lush's Blonde Shampoo. I'm hoping the combination of these guys for the next week will help ! And maybe another coconut treatment?? I've also been using Jojoba Oil on my hair as a leave in at night and before running to work to help with fly aways. I use it everywhere actually, threw it in a spray bottle with water and use it as a toner. Stuff is pure magic! My skin has never felt this soft or smooth before.

Detox! I’ve considered doing a raw tea detox before in the past but after wandering around on Etsy the past few days I’ve decided to go for it. I ordered Essiacs Blend and Ultimate Green Drink . I am hoping the combination of the teas and a raw diet of fruits and veggies for 7 days will help renew my system and really refocus my attention on health. Lately I’ve been splurging on all kinds of not so good foods (ie: cheese, butter, ice cream – dairy in general) and am starting to feel the effects on my body and mood. Detoxing, in my experience, helps to reiterate the idea of what the body actually needs rather than the mind’s desires for food.

Also, soap – ordered a few from gloilocksandbody and am beyond excited. I’ve purchased her soap and scrubs in the past before and they are all delectable and delicious and work like a charm! I’m excited to splurge a bit HERE, to indulge my body in a way that doesn’t have to do with eating or with clothes.

What do you spend your money on, bath and body wise??

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