Sunday, May 2, 2010

I swear I put on 5 pounds of water weight.

So, recap of the last couple of days. I feel like my body is resisting my urge to eat healthier and I’m blaming that resistance ENTIRELY on my womanhood. Hello, monthly. It came fast and furious yesterday and hit me like a ton of bricks. I ran out to Rainbow with the intention of getting groceries and to satisfy my craving for dark chocolate. They were closed. So I went to Food Co instead. Cheaper, yes, but selection wise I spent an hour and a half wandering the isles looking for healthy foods. Or low calorie foods. Or smaller portion sizes. I came away with a decent selection I think but yes, it did take me an hour and a half. If I had been rushed I probably would have made several bad decisions and walked away unhappy with myself – which is probably what most of the general population does, unknowing. Going to Safeway is even a challenge! Although they have started adding a ‘healthier’ section to their stores not every location has one. Everything is served in bulk and most foods boost between 200-600 calories a pop. Even for children! I found snacks I used to eat when I was younger and couldn’t find any nutritional value in them. Not to mention the fact that they would eat up a third of my daily calories.  It’s sickening what foods are actually offered.

Anyway, so, I came away with Skinny Cow ice cream because my vagina was craving sweets. I ate one last night after a decent daily caloric intake and didn’t feel very guilty especially since I had done a good hour on the free motion machine. But today, after eating right for the majority of the day and working out for an hour with a friend on strength/drill work I caved and ate a child’s serving of chocolate ice cream. Later, after work, I did another 45 minutes on the free motion on high intensity intervals. And felt good about it. But then gave in AGAIN when I got home and went to pack my lunch downstairs. I just ate another serving of ice cream. Yes, it is a low calorie version but considering I ate one earlier, it’s definitely a splurge.

So my goal for this week is if I feel the urge to eat the ice cream to make sure I allot it into my calorie balance for the day, that being between 1500-1600 calories. Also, I am working out with another friend tomorrow for an hour and I want to push myself to do an additional 40-50 minutes of cardio afterwards. My goal for the week is to do between 1-2 hours of exercise for 6 days. No exceptions. Especially if I know that my cravings are super strong during my lady-times! I admit, I have a weakness for ice cream, chocolate and baked goods! It can’t be helped but it can certainly be taken into account and allotted for. I don’t want to deprive myself but moderation is key. Also, need to try to focus MORE on eating 3-4 hours before bed. It’s a bad habit to want to go to the fridge when I’m packing my meals for the next day.

Anyway, speaking of, I’m off to bed. 

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