Monday, May 31, 2010

So yesterday I got in 60 minutes of cardio and today I clocked 105 minutes. I had scheduled a training session with a friend but as it was cancelled the only thing I really wanted to do was read the girl who kicked the hornet's nest. So instead of being lazy and reading on the couch in the break room before work I did more cardio. However I definitely used this as an excuse to eat a brownie, several macaroons, frozen yogurt and half a bag of popcorn at the movie theater. I suppose I justify the fact that I ate all this BECAUSE I spent so goddamn long at cardio. But considering I ate all the calories I burned in crap, it doesn't entirely make me feel any better about my work out. I just started my period and I felt ravenous and gave into this feeling of indulgence which lately I've noticed I've been doing more and more. And attempting to justify it which isn't entirely do-able. I'm looking forward to doing this cleanse once the proper supplies arrive because I think I need to reavaluate my eating habits, yet again. Being the 'fat kid' for so long it's a hard habit to break, it's hard to say no to treats especially when they are given to you and even harder to stay away from them once that cycle is started. BUT tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning, a new month. No more excuses.

I do have a training session tomorrow, time for cardio and a thai massage. I should make up for today and really earn that massage..

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